PHS Instructional Model
The Prahran High School Instructional Model is our common language of learning, collaboratively refined and developed by the school team and community in 2024.
During 2024, we worked collaboratively to revise and improve our instructional model. As we did this work, we built from existing strength, tweaked what needed to change and streamlined the process to make it easier for teachers and students to fully embrace. This is our PHS Instructional Model Next-Gen 2.0 and it is an approach rooted in evidence-based practices.
Our updated model is designed to further enhance student learning outcomes by integrating current research and proven methodologies tailored to today’s learners. Our Instructional Model also aligns with the Victorian Department of Education Teaching and Learning Model 2.0. This alignment is important and necessary.
The purpose of adopting our refined approach is to ensure that our teachers are equipped with the most effective strategies, allowing them to create engaging and impactful learning experiences for all students. The research into how learning works is clear, and our Instructional Model 2.0 supports the research. By grounding our instructional practices in data and research, we are committed to providing high-quality, equitable education to all students, furthering our core school mission, that “all students will learn.”
With the implementation of the new instructional model, we are also fostering deeper professional growth among our teachers. The revised framework introduces new opportunities for teachers to collaborate, reflect, and continuously improve their instructional practices. By embracing the latest research and innovative techniques, we are empowering our staff to remain at the forefront of educational best practices, enhancing their ability to engage diverse learners and raise student achievement.
In summary, our Instructional Model 2.0 is evidence-based and influenced by the work of researchers such as John Hattie, Robert Marzano, Ron Ritchhart, and Ulrich Boser, along with the Department of Education’s Victorian Learning and Teaching Model 2.0, the High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS) and Framework for Improving Student Outcomes 2.0 (FISO 2.0).
Our learning sessions are shaped by our signature pedagogies - approaches to teaching and learning that are evidence based and that support high level learning to occur.
Our use of metacognitive strategies helps students to form deep and powerful understandings of curriculum material, while our commitment to differentiated learning programs means that all students can be challenged in their learning. Our use of project-based learning and design thinking also helps students to connect their learning to the world around them, while encouraging collaboration and skills that will support our students beyond the school.
We also believe in developing students as learners – teaching, modelling and supporting them to develop effective learning habits, build agency in their studies, and to adopt a growth mindset that encourages them to be effective learners both in school and beyond.
Everything we do when planning learning and teaching is influenced by our values - challenge, creativity, curiosity, character, and the desire for students to Make an Impact with their learning.
Teachers are expected to refer to these values when planning units and learning sessions, and to think about the ways we can explicitly teach students to live and embody these values.
As a school community, we plan our overall improvement agenda by using the following model. You’ll notice that deeply embedded in this Framework for Improving Student Learning and Wellbeing Outcomes are our Values.
The PHS Improvement FrameworkGuaranteed, clearly articulated and well-sequenced curriculum.
We believe in the importance for schools to have a guaranteed, clearly articulated and well-sequenced curriculum that connects learning to big ideas. We also believe in the power of ongoing formative assessment and feedback to students in shaping and guiding the learning process.